"Preparing For The Commission's Visit"
The commission, because of which a transport left and the three-layer bunks were torn down, has departed, and I believe they were satisfied. They didn't see through very much, stayed scarcely a half day, but that seems to have been only a rehearsal. The camp command issued new orders about the "beautifying campaign" that must be finished in two months.
It's ridiculous, but it seems that Terezin is to be changed into a sort of spa. I don't know why I was reminded of the fairy tale "Table. Set Yourself!" But that is how everything seems to me. The orders are recieved in the evening, and in the morning everyone's eyes are staring with wonder, where did this or that thing come from? For three years it never occurred to anyone that streets might be named anything but Q and L.... But all of a sudden the Germans had an idea, and overnight signs had to be put on every corner house with the name of the street and at crossroads arrows pointed: To the Park, To the Bath, etc...
The school building that had served as hospital up to today was cleared out overnight and the patients put elsewhere while the whole building was repainted, scrubbed up, school benches brought in, and on the morning a sign could be seen afar: "Boys' and Girls' School." It really looks fine, like a real school, only the pupils and teachers are missing. That shortcoming is adjusted by a small note on the door: "Holidays." On the square the newly sown grass is coming up, the center is adorned by a big rose plot, and the paths, covered cleans, yellow sand, are lined with two rows of newly painted benches. The boards we wondered about for so many days, trying to puzzle out what they were for, turned into a music pavilion. We even have a cafe with the fine sign "Cofeehouse"
....They have already got quite far in painting the houses... In two of the barracks some bunks and shelves were painted yellow and they got blue curtains. In the park in front of the Infants' Home they put up a luxury pavilion with cribs and light blue, quilted covers. In one room there are toys, a carved rocking horse, and so on. None of us can explain why they are doing this. Are they so concerned about that commision? Perhaps we don't even know how good the situation is.
By: Helga Weissova
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Great job Sofia! You did a very through job of explaining the tags. One tag I really liked was the one where you exmaplied why you choose the colors of the string. Not only that but why you placed it under the pins and in what order. I also think adding the signs outside "the camp" was essential because that way we can see how the Jews are isolated from everything outside the Terezin.
ReplyDeleteGreat job Sofia , on your butterfly project . I came to realize me and you had the same poem . I loved how you explained your tags so descriptive and not simple . It gave your poem / butterfly project a deeper meaning . I enjoyed how you used the color green mostly for the entire project to symbolize safety or hope since the author was so optimistic ! Your off to a great start keep up the great work !
ReplyDeleteAmazing job Sofia !!!!! You did a really good job on explaining every tag. Also the way that you added a lot of information in each one helped a lot in understanding it easier. The way you created your butterfly was a really creative and smart idea. The color you used went really well with the poem. Good job !!!
ReplyDeleteGreat job! I think you did a really great job explaining the tags, and why you chose everything, like the color of the strings. Everything had a meaning. I also really like how you decided to put smaller butterflies outside of the main butterfly to show that there was prosperity and safety outside of the camp. I think you had a really cool concept and it looks fantastic!
ReplyDeleteHey Sofia. I've got to say, your butterfly is amazing. It is one of the only butterflies that has so much going on, yet it all makes perfect sense. The idea with the butterfly outline with pins is truly creative, something I would probably not think of. Another part of your butterfly I commend you for are the small things that make your butterfly that much better. Something I found very creative were your butterfly's antennas, and why you didn't put the string around the signs. The symbolism there is just great. Your butterfly is spot on, and I can't find anything wrong with it. Amazing work!