Wednesday, March 23, 2016

"First They Killed My Father" Lit Circle Blog

         One of my Essential Questions is, "What obstacles does Loung overcome during the revolution?", this EQ ties in with my novel study. My novel that I studied was First They Killed My Father by Loung Ung. The EQ ties in with my novel because the main character, Loung, survives the revolution of the Khmer Rouge and we wanted to know what she had to do to survive it. Loung had to endure many obstacles during the revolution. One of them is hunger, in the villages and labor camps that she lived at, she was barely given any food to survive. Many people around her died because of it and she almost didn't make it either. Most of the time during those times she would be depresses and tired because eating was one of the best things in the world for her at the time. Simply eating a few grains of rice would fill her heart up with joy. An example of this is in the 11th chapter Loung says, "Of course, all that no longer matters to me; my thoughts are focused solely on food." This quote is saying that nothing else matters besides food. Another obstacle that Loung had to endure was she was always in constant fear of the Khmer Rouge. This group had all the power and they would kill anyone who showed any signs of rebellion or weakness. In the book it says, "The soldiers have the right to punish thieves any way they see fit, killing them if they chose. Their power is so omnipotent that no one dares question their actions." This quote is saying that everyone, not just Loung, is afraid of the Khmer Rouge. Many people disagree with their beliefs but are too afraid to say something about it. These are just some of the obstacles that Loung had to overcome during the revolution. 

         The authors from the book, First They Killed My Father and "Cambodian Genocide" use some of the same information, but produce different texts because they interpret the information differently. The book is from a young girl's perspective and life. Throughout the book the girl mostly exposes her feelings and emotions towards the revolution that is occurring at that time, she doesn't give off facts that talk about what is happening. For example in the second chapter of the article when it talks about the evacuation of Phnom Penh she says,"After each round of rifle fire, people push and shove one another in a panicked frenzy trying to evacuate the city." This quote uses the words "panicked" and "frenzy" to show that she had strong feelings towards the event. What she is writing is what she directly experienced.

          However, in the article, the author doesn't express any emotion, just facts. They do this because they didn't directly experience the event that they are writing about. For example when the author talks about the beginning of the revolution, they say, "On April 17, 1975, the Khmer Rouge army marched into Phnom Penh, the modern capitol.  Khmer Rouge soldiers, young peasants from the provinces, mostly uneducated teenage boys who had never been in a city before, swept through town.  They set to their job right away, evacuating Phnom Penh and forcing all of its residents to leave behind all their belongings and march towards the countryside." This doesn't show any emotion, imagery, or opinions it just explains what, when, where, who, and why. The quote is just informational.

         In both of these quotes they talk about the same event, but they are told in different ways. The book has a lot of emotion, imagery, and opinions while the article has facts and information. The article's author interpreted the information as by just explaining to the readers what happened and why it happened. In the book the author didn't have that information so they told what they saw instead of what she knew. The effect of the author being the main character is that the author didn't really interpret the information, they lived it instead. The book is based on first hand accounts instead of secondary sources. When the author/main character was writing the book she told it by how she experienced it. Since she didn't know what was happening she only wrote what she knew or thought what was happening in that moment. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Poetry Reflection Blog

          Poetry has a minor impact in my life. When I create poetry I don't find it very inspirational or beneficial to me. Although, sometimes when I read it, I start to how understand how people feel certain ways. For example when I read some of the people in my class's poems I started to see how they really feel instead of the wall that they put up. Another thing that poetry does for me is make me think in different ways. An example of this is in the poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost, it makes me think that nothing is permanent and that anything can change. I wouldn't have thought of this if I never read this poem. Overall, poetry doesn't affect me a lot, but in some ways it can help me.

        Poetry does belong to everyone. I know this because poetry is more of a feeling than a writing style. Everyone has feelings so everyone can have poetry too. When you write poetry you are expressing your ideas and feelings in a way that people would be able to understand. If you can write down or express these thoughts then you deserve the right for everyone to see them. This can also give people a sense of relief if they express somethings that they might not have expressed before.

        The life and experiences of a poet affects the poem he or she creates in different ways. The poet can have a hard childhood and then express it in their poem. For example Edgar Allen Poe, his childhood was very rough and his poems were considered dark and creepy. This shows that his childhood was negative so his poems were negative too. Different experiences could affect a poet poem too. An example of this is in the book Bronx Masquerade, the character Chankara Troupe. She was hit by her boyfriend and in her poem she talks about it. 

This is a poem I read, it is by anonymous. 

         A poem's form and structure contribute to it's meaning in a few ways. One way is that if it it has the form of a image from the poem, then the reader could get a visual of what the poem is talking about. You can visually see what the poet is trying to express. An example of this is in the poem above. The poet is talking about a tree and the poem is in the form of a tree. This contributes to the meaning because now the reader can fully grasp the content that the poet is trying to express. The structure of the poem could also contribute to the meaning of the poem too. If there is a certain way the poem is being written again and again, then the poet is trying to get something across. For example, in my poem below the words "If" and "I" are repeated in each stanza. This contributes to the meaning of the poem because every stanza talks about the same thing just different examples. By doing this the meaning is being repeated over and over again. 

"If" Poem

If I were to speak
my own opinions
loud and clear
would you cheer?

If I came with confidence
and honor,
uplifting a flag
would you taunt me?

If I saw the beauties of the world
each masterpiece
natural, and by the hands of man
would you take it away from me?

If I sang with beauty
and melody
causing tears
would you jeer?
Or would you sing with me?
I wonder

        Words/phrases, rhyme, alliteration, repetition, and figurative language have an impact on poems.  Words and phrases impact poems because it is the way readers understand what the poem is. If there wasn't words or phrases then people wouldn't understand what the poet is trying to say. Rhyme impacts poems because it gives the poem rhythm and tempo. For example, there is rhyme in my "If" poem. Alliteration impacts the poem because it can add humor or give examples. The poem of the tree above shows this when it says "bark, branches".  Repetition impacts poems because it gets the point across. An example of this is in my "If" poem, the words "If" and "I" are repeated so it makes the point of the poem clearer. Figurative language impacts poems because it makes it more vivid either with adding imagery, metaphors, etc. An example of using imagery is in my poem, when it says "and by the hands of man". This makes it sound more animated. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

"Different But Similar"

As riots and screams spout from the streets
Footsteps and breaths of 116 people
Travel from house to house
Like tiny ants that swarm around a sugary sweet

A 18 month old boy sits in his house
Experiencing a normal day
A 16 year old teenager terrorizes people and buildings
Both different, but similar
Ahmed Mansour Qorany Sharara are the words that tie them together
Both of their faces next to each other

The teenager runs away like a cat
The boy sits in his house
Policemen come into the child’s home and tries to take him
When they realize the youth of the “culprit”
Taking the father is their only option

Guilt hits the boy with power
Joy hits the teenager immensely
Relief is created when they set the dad free
Fear was brought up when the idea of imprisonment came into the picture
Anguish and sorrow surround the family
Injustice plays a part in the feelings that this family suffers

Finally justice finds out the truth
Identity was switched and the boy was released from chains

Inspiration for poem:
"Egypt: Officials claim mistaken identity after toddler sentenced to life"

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

BioPoem 3/2/16


Brave, smart, shy, and creative

A character in N.H Senzai's Story

Lover of photography, adventure, and books

Who notices his country's been teaching them a lie, people will bully him because of his race, his family is very poor

Who feels like his sister missing is his fault, he is all alone, and that he can win a photography competition

Who learns that finding his sister will be his responsibility and that he can help his family more than anyone else

Who used to think that getting to Peshawar was easy but now knows that it is extremely difficult

Major character in Shooting Kabul

A book that shows true perseverance