Thursday, March 3, 2016

"Different But Similar"

As riots and screams spout from the streets
Footsteps and breaths of 116 people
Travel from house to house
Like tiny ants that swarm around a sugary sweet

A 18 month old boy sits in his house
Experiencing a normal day
A 16 year old teenager terrorizes people and buildings
Both different, but similar
Ahmed Mansour Qorany Sharara are the words that tie them together
Both of their faces next to each other

The teenager runs away like a cat
The boy sits in his house
Policemen come into the child’s home and tries to take him
When they realize the youth of the “culprit”
Taking the father is their only option

Guilt hits the boy with power
Joy hits the teenager immensely
Relief is created when they set the dad free
Fear was brought up when the idea of imprisonment came into the picture
Anguish and sorrow surround the family
Injustice plays a part in the feelings that this family suffers

Finally justice finds out the truth
Identity was switched and the boy was released from chains

Inspiration for poem:
"Egypt: Officials claim mistaken identity after toddler sentenced to life"

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