Friday, October 28, 2016

First Quarter Reflection Blog

        This quarter I have learned how to work well with others. Unlike previous years, I do not know a lot of people in this class. Many of these people I have never talked to in my life, opposed to people I have known since kindergarten. Conversations weren't easy, until a few weeks ago. I have learned to find things in common with students who I normally wouldn't talk to. This has helped me because I have become more social with my classmates, which helps me get my work done faster.

       There are a few things that I would like to improve on with working with others. One of these things is being able to have small talk. This would help me because I could get closer with my classmates and then be able to work more effectively. Another thing that I would like to improve on is engaging in conversation with my peers more. Sometimes I don't talk to my partner about our work as much as I should. If I talk more then my work could have more than one opinion in it.

       During this past quarter I have learned many things about the world. I did this by listening to other peoples AOW's during the last few weeks. One thing that surprised me in an AOW, was that almost half of teachers in a study were racist. This showed me that just because a law was passed, doesn't mean that peoples minds are changed. It is very hard to persuade someone to think another way. Another thing that I learned was that more people are getting pregnant when they are older. This surprised me because some of these women are 50 years old. It makes me wonder if the mother or the  baby have a higher risk of injuries than younger women.

      These next few quarters I would like to learn more things about the world. To do this I hope to get more involved with the news. That means that I would be watching the news more and looking at articles that involve the entire world. Doing this could help me understand the direction the world is heading in and how I could help make it better. It would have all started by doing my AOW.


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